Holy freakin cow people!! How are you all doing?
Like really how are you all doing? When I started this new chapter in my life, I wasn’t think that most of it will be on a mandatory lock down.
My days are blended together and the weeks just seem to never end.
(What day, month, year is it again?)
Before the lock down had happen, we had traveled to Vegas with my best friend Jessica. My mother lives in Vegas and it was a prefect opportunity to visit and have fun.
And boy did we have fun.
I had planed this trip after we got into our new apartment. And was working almost nonstop during the holidays season.
(Boy do I miss work right now!!)
I’m very thankful that we were able to take it. And he got to spend time with his grandmother. Was the best little mini vacation we took.
Now that we’ve been back, it’s been so odd not being able to see people and have play dates with other kiddos/parents.
Social Distancing is some what hard for me cause I like to interact with people in person. But for my son not so much. He doesn’t quiet understand. He just knows that people can get sick if we visit them.
Hopefully this lock down will end sooner then later. Not just for us, but for every one else that is out there.
In the mean time, I will be doing my best to teach my son things that will help him later in life.
Hopefully I wont come out of this with gray hair!!